Personal Loans
Get the money you need when you need it. At Cencap, we offer options to help you. Whether you need to make a large purchase, consolidate debt or just need to get away and take a vacation.
- Up to 72-month terms
- Maximum amount that can be borrowed: $22,000
- Fixed Rate
NOTE: For Debt Consolidation Loans, all bills to be paid must be submitted to the credit union. Debts can include bills such as credit card bills, loans, medical bills, and utility bills.
Qualify for .50% off your Debt Consolidation Loan rate by signing up for automatic payment.
Share Pledge is a loan with a Share Account or Share Certificate held as collateral, the amount borrowed is held in reserve as collateral.
- Up to 72-month terms
- Rates are 3% over the prevailing dividend rate of the account being held as collateral
- Special fixed rate from 10/1 – 2/28
- Up to 12-month terms
- Maximum amount that can be borrowed- $3,500
- Vacation loans only available from Mar 1 – Sept 30 at special fixed rate
- Up to 12 month terms
- Maximum amount that can be borrowed: $3,500
Qualify for an additional .50% off your Vacation Loan rate by signing up for automatic deduction from a share draft checking account.
Cencap Federal Credit Union offers additional and optional insurance plans. These plans are not a deposit, nor is it federally insured by NCUA. The insurance is not guaranteed by the credit union nor an obligation of the credit union. Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance provide loan payments on the member’s behalf in the event of death or disability. The premiums are based on a percentage of the monthly loan balance. These insurance plans are available on all types of consumer loans.